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Melanie G.

2020 happened as bad as we wish we could blink or wake from a bad dream it happened and in the midst of it all I was working from home homeschooling three kids and trying to assist my husband in keeping a charter business afloat. The husband felt as though the walls were closing in and in July the push for a new home began! Problem, business, current home, and financing. Can we make this happen? In walks Brandy and yes, yes we could, and she did. Brandy showed us three homes, one of which I had no interest in seeing. I knew that house was the one and I wasn’t sold on our ability to handle the obstacles standing in our way. Brandy however never waivered. The house was the one, contract was written and excepted. Our list to have our home market ready was given, the pressure was one. Twenty four hours later, multiple first day offers, highest and beast offers, contract excepted. Fast forward that contract wasn’t meant to be, but the third one was. Never did we have to waiver or doubt our position Brandy’s communication and fight were second to none! We cried together, we laughed, and she pulled it off. I write this thank you and recommendation almost a year later, while sitting in my dream home. Would I do it over again? Only if I had Brandy!!

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